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IG_403: Title Page F. R. Martins Sammlung aus dem Orient in der Allgemeinen Kunst- und Industrie-Ausstellung zu Stockholm, 1897


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F. R. Martins Sammlung aus dem Orient in der Allgemeinen Kunst- und Industrie-Ausstellung zu Stockholm

Art des Objekts
Künstler*in / Hersteller*in
Martin, Fredrik Robert · Collector
32 x 25 cm



This exhibition catalogue lists all the objects from the ‘Orient’ from Frederik Robert Martin’s (1868–1933) collection that were on display at the General Art and Industrial Exposition of Stockholm in 1897. The list is structured by the display of the objects: in fourteen exhibition cases, or, when they were exhibited separately, with brief details on their exact placement. The list contains a very brief characterization of each item exhibited, and in some cases, an approximate date as well as the geographical origin.
The text is followed by an illustration section with eight full-page black and white photographs. They do not show separate items, but exhibition views. The case numbers and the brief descriptions of the objects’ locations help to identify the objects listed in the photographs.

Technik / Zustand


Book printing



Among the objects listed on display, there are five stucco and glass windows. They are briefly characterized as a coloured-glass window (Martins Sammlung, 1897, p. 3), a plaster window (p. 4), or windows made of plaster with small coloured panes or pieces of glass (pp. 6, 7, 8). No further information on the production technique is given. The design and typology of the windows is not described either. The geographical provenance of all windows is indicated as Cairo. They are dated to either the 15th or the 16th century, but no sources are provided to support this information.
Out of the five windows exhibited, four are documented photographically. Two can be seen in detail (IG_404, IG_405), and two can be glimpsed in the background (IG_406). The window that was exhibited in the loggia is not documented photographically. It is characterized as a large window made of plaster with coloured panes and including the Muslim creed. According to the catalogue, it was created in the 15th century, and was therefore the oldest of the windows exhibited at the General Art and Industrial Exposition of Stockholm. Its provenance is said to be an unspecified mosque in Cairo (Martins Sammlung, 1897, p. 8).


Bibliografie und Quellen


(1897). F. R. Martins Sammlung aus dem Orient in der Allgemeinen Kunst- und Industrie-Ausstellung zu Stockholm 1897,Königl. Buchdruckerei P. A. Norstedt & Söner.

Roxburgh, D. J. (2000). Au Bonheur des Amateurs. Collecting and Exhibiting Islamic Art, ca. 1880-1910. Ars Orientalis, 30, 9–38.


1897: General Art and Industrial Exposition, Stockholm.
18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont


Name des Bildes


Autor*in und Datum des Eintrags
Franziska Niemand 2024

Weiteres Bildmaterial und verwandte Objekte

Verwandte Objekte
Exhibition view of display case 9 in F. R. Martin's collection at the General Art and Industrial Exposition of Stockholm 1897
General exhibition view of F. R. Martin's collection at the General Art and Industrial Exposition of Stockholm 1897