
Bourgoin, Jules

Joigny (Yonne) 12.12.1838 – 4.2.1908 Saint-Julien-du-Sault (Yonne)
AutorIn und Datum des Eintrags
Sarah Tabbal 2024
Biografische Daten

Jules Bourgoin was a French architect, draughtsman and theorist of ornament. He visited Egypt for the first time in 1863 and stayed there for three years. Between 1874 and 1875, he travelled to Damascus, Constantinople, Beirut and Jerusalem. He returned to Cairo in 1880 and spent the years between 1881 and 1884 there again (Volait, 2012, pp. 150–151). He was the author of several books, among them Les arts arabes, published in 1873.


Bideault, M. (2012). Les Arts arabes ([1868]–1873) In Jules Bourgoin (1838-1908) : L’obsession du trait [en ligne]. Paris: Publications de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art. Retrieved from

Volait, M. (2012). Bourgoin, Jules. In: Pouillon, F., Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française. Paris: Karthala, pp. 150–151.