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IG_228: Théorie de l'Architecture Ottomane. Planche XXII.

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Darstellung des oberen Stockwerks eines weltlichen Gebäudes / Représentation de l’étage supérieur d’un édifice civil

Type of Object
Artist / Producer
Sébah, Pascal · Printing
Montani, Pietro · Draughtsman, author
Launay, Marie de · Editor
39 x 51.8 cm



Pl. XXII is a monochrome print based on a drawing by Pietro Montani accompanying Montani’s chapter called Technical Dossier (Technische Documente / Documents techniques) in Marie de Launay, Die Ottomanische Baukunst / L’Architecture ottomane / Uṣūl-i Miʿmāriyye-i ʿUsmaniyye, Istanbul: Imprimerie et lithographie centrales (1873). It shows the upper floor of a civic building. Above a large rectangular window opening, there is a stucco and glass window with a pointed arch. Its stucco lattice takes the form of tendrils growing symmetrically upwards with palmettes and half-palmettes. The surrounding band has perforations in simple repeating geometric forms.

Iconclass Code
48A98311 · foliage ~ ornament
48AA983112 · palmette ~ ornament - AA - stylized
48AA98312 · tendrils ~ ornament - AA - stylized
Iconclass Keywords

Technique / State



In the description of the plates, the stucco and glass window is characterized as opening in the wall filled with decorative glass (‘[…] sich in den Mauern Oeffnungen befinden, welche mit Glas geschlossen sind.’ / ‘[…] se trouvent percées des ouvertures lesquelles se trouvent garnies de vitraux.’, p. 20). Information on the dating of the civic building and its window is not given.
The façade depicted has structural similarities to the so-called Turkish dwelling (Türkisches Wohnhaus), one of the Ottoman pavilions erected at the 1873 world’s fair in Vienna (IG_454). Noteworthy is the design of the stucco and glass windows with symmetrical intertwined tendrils with palmettes and half-palmettes. This is the same typology as for the windows designed by Pietro Montani for the Turkish dwelling displayed in Vienna (IG_388). The typology of palmette tendrils used for historical stucco and glass windows is documented for religious buildings, like the windows of the Süleymaniye Camii (Süleymaniye Mosque) in Istanbul (IG_234).

Place of Manufacture

Bibliography and Sources


Launay, M. de (1873). Die Ottomanische Baukunst / L’Architecture ottomane / Uṣūl-i Miʿmāriyye-i ʿUsmaniyye. Imprimerie et lithographie centrales.


18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont

Image Information

Name of Image


Reference Number
Author and Date of Entry
Franziska Niemand 2024

Linked Objects and Images

Linked Objects
L’architecture ottomane