Image commandée

IG_452: Photograph Palais du Bey, Exposition Universelle 1867, Paris


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Palais du Bey, Exposition Universelle 1867, Paris

Type d'objet
Petit, Pierre · Photographer
Bisson, Auguste Rosalie · Photographer
24 x 18.1 cm; 53.8 x 43.8 cm (with cardboard)



This black and white photograph records the exterior of the so-called Palais du Bey, the Tunisian pavilion at the 1867 Exposition Universelle in Paris.
Perforated stucco lattices are a very prominent element of its architecture. They can be found on the main floor above the mashrabiyyāt (oriels) and above window openings that have horseshoe arches, as well as in the drums of the domes. The lattices take different shapes, from a lunette layout, to polylobed and round arches. Although the geometric patterns of the lattices come in different variations, all of them are based on star forms.
Two square structures rise above the right and left corners of the pavilion. Four horseshoe arched windows can be seen on each side of these structures. However, it appears that they are not filled with stucco lattices, but with stained glass in lead cames. The pattern, though, is similar to that of the stucco windows, as it is also based on star forms.

Code Iconclass
48A981 · ornement ~ motifs géométriques
48A9815 · ornement ~ formes étoilées
Mot-clés Iconclass

Technique / Etat


Print on albumen paper from wet collodion glass negative.

Historique de l'oeuvre


According to Alfred Normand, who wrote on the Pavilion du Bey in his publication L'architecture des nations étrangères. Études sur les principales constructions du parc à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris (1867) (IG_253), **the stucco windows seen from the outside are perforated, yet not backed with coloured pieces of glass. He explains that in most buildings, the pieces of glass on the back of the stucco plate can be seen from the outside of the house, but that in some cases, when the builder wants to take care of exterior decoration of his building as well, the first plate with the coloured glass is doubled with a second one with similar geometric perforations, but not sealed with pieces of glass, as is the case at the Tunisian pavilion (Normand, 1870, p. 13–14).

So, although, the stucco panels seen on the façade of the Pavilion du Bey are technically not the stucco glass windows that can be seen in the interior, they do correspond to them in layout and design. Therefore, the pavilion’s photograph is useful for locating the windows, which are published in Normand’s book as polychrome illustrations. Published there are the equivalents with coloured glass, to the lunette windows above the mashrabiyya oriels on the main floor (IG_272), to the polylobed upper windows on the main floor (IG_271), as well as to the mullioned windows with round arches and two different geometrical patterns in the drums of the domes (IG_279).

Localisations liées
Lieu de production
Numéro d'inventaire
EO-14 (12)-BOITE FT 4

Bibliographie et sources


Normand, A. (1870). L'architecture des nations étrangères. Études sur les principales constructions du parc à l’Exposition Universelle de Paris (1867), A. Morel, éditeur-libraire.


1867: Exposition Universelle, Paris.
18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont

Informations sur l'image

Nom de l'image
Crédits photographiques
BnF Département Estampes et photographie, EO-14 (12)-BOITE FT 4


Numéro de référence
Auteur·e et date de la notice
Franziska Niemand 2024